How To Choose the Right Metal-Casting Process

How To Choose the Right Metal-Casting Process

There are several different casting processes to choose from; knowing which method to choose for the equipment you need can be difficult. So, how do you know which technique is best? The answer relies on the specifications of your product.

Explore how to choose the right metal-casting process and find the best method for your company.

What Is Casting?

Casting is a manufacturing method that consists of pouring a liquid—usually metal—into a mold to create a product. Many industries use casting, especially the mining and milling industries. They use metal casting to produce mill liners and other equipment.


Different casting processes are chosen based on the design of the final product. For example, if you need a complex component, investment casting can be a good choice, especially for minute details. However, there are other casting options. Take a look at them below.


Centrifugal casting rotates the mold at high speeds, which forces the liquid metal against the walls.


In die casting, the liquid material is injected into the mold under intense pressure.


Investment casting involves a disposable ceramic mold. A wax pattern shapes the mold, and this allows for intricate detail or extreme accuracy.


Sand casting is a common method that uses sand as a mold. The sand mold is destroyed in the process, but the result is textured.

Choosing a Foundry

Knowing how to choose the right metal casting process also relies on finding a foundry that can help you find the best method for your product. Developing a relationship with a foundry if you need castings regularly can be advantageous to ensure they meet your needs while producing quality products.

Research foundries before settling on one. Tour the facilities and ask them how they ensure quality control and how comprehensive their capabilities are.

If you’re searching for a heavy steel casting manufacturer, contact Cast Steel Products to learn how we can foster a dependable partnership!

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